Badlav for Better

A podcast series on the Indian Healthcare Ecosystem

Badlav for Better. A podcast series on the Indian Healthcare Ecosystem. Hosted by Jesal Doshi.

Healthcare insights

Inspiring stories

Real change

Badlav means change and we believe that simple conversations can create multiple ripples that bring real change.

This series explores the journeys and views of various stakeholders in the Indian healthcare ecosystem, focusing on the mission of a Healthy India at the center of the conversation.

We’ll discuss the challenges, blind spots, the past, the future and most importantly, how we can change for the better.


Episode 2: Insights about the Indian public healthcare ecosystem – part 2

We are in conversation with Dr. Raj Shankar Ghosh, an accomplished public healthcare expert in India, who shares his experience of working in the public healthcare sector in India and explains the unique features of the Indian public healthcare ecosystem.

Episode 1: Insights about the Indian public healthcare ecosystem – part 1

In our first episode, we are honored to have Dr. Raj Shankar Ghosh, a physician with three decades of public health experience in primary health care, managing infectious diseases, and delivering vaccines. Dr. Ghosh shares his experience of working in the public healthcare sector in India and explains the unique

Listen, Learn, and be the one to drive the change.

Do you wish to contribute?

Are you a healthcare professional wanting to participate and make a difference? We are always searching for knowledgeable guests who are willing to share their experience and help India’s healthcare system grow positively!

If your are interested, please write to us: