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Explore & learn more
Research on tuberculosis is critical and is facilitated by high-quality medical cold chain equipment.
Exploring why it's important to fight rare diseases with the Medical Cold Chain solutions.
Our RCW25 Transport Box was awarded the CERTICOLD Pharma label.
Exploring and explaining why it's important to use medical-grade refrigerators.
Exploring how ULTs can ensure the safety of cell and gene therapy products.
Ultra-Low Freezers can help provide the storage environments cancer biomarkers require for their long-term storage.
Insightful panel discussion on the "Role of Efficient Cold Chains in Vaccine Management".
Optimising biomedical cold storage environments with Ultra-Low Freezers for the storage of biological samples.
Exploring the challenges of achieving sustainability for the future of health systems around the world.
Safeguarding vaccines during this flu season to increase immunity following the COVID-19 lockdowns.